doo bee doo bee doo

Thursday, November 23, 2006 4:14 PM
room status: packed.

12.14 am

i finally packed my room!!

today, to the surprise of myself, (and every other living organism living in my room like insects and bugs) i decided to clear my stuff for the first time in 4 years.

yes, part of it was due to the fact that i wanted to get rid of everything related to my treacherous 4 years in high school. THE GREAT DEPRESSION (2002-2006). the other part was having to share my room with daddy-long-legs and bugs and dead moths and whathaveyou.

so i packed. and packed. and packed. for abt 9 hours. PACKED only lor.

in the end i dumped:

1. 3 full bags of rubbish filled to the brim with rubbish

2. 2 plastic bags worth of metal and plastics to be recycled

3. 4 30cm tall stacks of worksheets (both done and undone)

4. 1 50 cm tall pile of workbooks, textbooks and notebooks.

5. 4 stacks of 30 cm high stacks of storybooks (english and chinese)

i wanted to take a pic of it, but my mom messed it up and threw it all away before i was done. :(

and even more SHOCKEDEDING was the fact that i mopped my room floor for the forst time in abt 7 years. i dun usually mop the floor, i just sweep or vacuum it. too lazy lar. but today, out of sheer boredom, i mopped it, ensuring a mass migration for most tenants (bugs) of my room.

now let me replay the process of me mopping my floor, since i find it most peculiar.

mopping my floor: R(A)

1. dumped rag in pail and filled pail with water.

2. water turned green even before i started mopping.

3. emptied water, washed pail, THEN refilled pail with water.

4. this time, water stayed colourless and odourless

5. mopped a 30cm square patch of my floor.

6. rinsed mop.

7. water turned greyish black, with a hint of some dead cockroaches and lots of dustballs floating in constinuos random motion.

8. emptied and refilled pail again.

7. gung ho and just finish moping my floor.

8. rinsed blackish brown cloth in water.

9. water turned dead-indian black, effervescence observed, grey insoluble precipitate observed, pungent gas liberated.

10. i gave up.

then, since my room wasn't totally clean, i tried my hand at vacuuming. wasn't a total failure, at least i got some of the dust off. problem was, the vacuum cleaner was freaking noisy, i live in a freaking quiet estate, it was already late in the night, and i probably woke up half the estate. i confirm wun get christmas presents from them this year.

so now. my room is clean. and emptied of all knowledge. if there were any in the first place. and my mum's damn pissed with me cuz i swept all the dust out to the landing and she had to sweep the landing again.

because cider is the elixir of life

1.29 pm

long long time never blog liao. why?

here are some reasons:

1. exams are over, its time to party, and there's no time for stupid things like blogs.

2. my dad asked me to stop using my com so often and get outdoors ("so that you can me ready for NS") and i promised him since he's being ever-so-nice to me now. its high time i started keeping my promises.

3. band prac's taking up a huge lot of my time. 4 days a week, not counting sectionals (if any) plus going out for dinner/lunch with freinds after band, and almost the whole day is up. so much so that i couldn't take a job since i'm only free on like 3 days? (thursday + weekends)

4. i just couldn't be bothered with anything to do with english. ever since the exams ended, my brain has been totally devoid with academic stuff and such (not like there was much in the first place) and the only thing i do that is related to academics is speaking (english) ,getting my allowance and devising new ways to spend it off (maths), and counting down the minutes till the end of band prac (higher maths).

so these are my valid reasons. anyway, nothing much has changed.

changed stuff:

1. my dad's done a 360 degrees 180 degrees turn in his perception of my studies. in the past if i screwed up my test, he'd bring the whole house down. but now when i tell him i flunked almost all my tests everytime, he just laughs at me and wonders how i'm related to him and his super duper brains.

2. my dad's giving me more money too! everytime i ask for my allowance he just gives me this huge blue note, meaning it almost doubles my weekly income!

3. my room is, like my brain, devoid of all high school stuff. i just packed it, and my room is now freaking empty.


5. new billabong bag.

6. revamped the layout of my room due to the fact that i've got a TV in my room (abeit a rather old and microscopic one)

7. no more lessons :D:D:D

8. no more classmates. i wonder if i'll ever get to see them in the same way again. i doubt we'll be as close as we were, ever again.

9. no more teachers :D:D:D this one i dun care, the faster they go, the better. might miss mrs seck though.

that's all. nothing changed much, overall. dunno.

might decide to do some tributes to my classmates next time if i have the time.

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which fish will ever want to live in a toiletbowl????

because cider is the elixir of life

The Boy

. cheong jiawei
. st. hildian
. hwachong
. hcimb
. hcisb
. flautist
. ultimate
. bed bouncer
. cloud watcher
. daydreamer
. (:



chung yan!
gums n kidney!
auntie nina!
chin seng!
paul frank!
khee xuan!
punk de zen!
yikun squarepants!

guo jie!
chrissy poo!

daryl DAMN shuai!
kang wipe!
cai tou!
chai lala's bs!
chai lala's lj!
cynthia the hulk!
fatty siu!
jingyi the noob!
jon quek!
toad jiaming!
xinyu (siah)!

chinky chunks!
little miss bimbo!

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Thank You

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